"Tony Blair: The Journey" will be published by Hutchinson in September, price £25. Apparently the book "will break new ground in prime ministerial memoirs just as Blair himself broke the mould of British politics. His book is frank, open, revealing and written in an intimate and accessible style. As an account of the nature and uses of power, it will have a readership that extends well beyond politics, to all those who understand the challenge of leadership in today's world." Blair, who will be doing a national and international author tour, said: "I have really enjoyed the writing of the book. I have tried to write a book which describes the human as much as the political dimensions of life as Prime Minister. Though necessarily retrospective, it is an attempt to inform and shape current and future thinking as much as an historical account of the past. Most of all I want readers to have as much pleasure reading it as I had in writing it." Oh, we will, Tony, we will.
The Virginian