Friday, 12 March 2010

Lib Dems recruit porn director

No, you're not about to see Vince Cable knock one out in their latest party political broadcast (and that's one weapon none of us particularly want Nick Clegg to whip out in the future), however a female pornographic film director has been selected as the Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate for Gravesham, Kent.

Anna Arrowsmith, managing director of adult entertainment firm Easy on the Eye Productions, has directed hundreds of films under the pseudonym Anna Span.  Mrs Arrowsmith, 38, who has an MA in philosophy, believes women are under-represented in Parliament and thought that Margaret Thatcher's performance during the 1979 general election campaign had sparked her interest in politics while the current expenses scandal had spurred her on.  She said: "If people don't know what I do for a living then they would never know.  The local party and the local people who I have so far met have seen that I'm very driven.  I'm not campaigning on behalf of my old industry. I'm campaigning on behalf of the people in the Gravesham area.  When people get to see me, they will realise that I'm used to project managing and that I'm driven to achieve change rather than just promising it."

A spokesman for the Liberal Democrats said: "The Liberal Democrats are proud to have candidates throughout the country with a great diversity of backgrounds and life experiences.  Anna will be a strong candidate for Gravesham, and with her family links to the area we believe she is the best person to bring fairness to local people."

Just as long as she stays behind the camera, that's all I ask.