Friday, 12 March 2010

Ex-Tory MEP Edward McMillan-Scott joins Lib Dems

Edward McMillan-Scott, who once headed the Tory grouping in Brussels, was unhappy with David Cameron's decision to re-align the party in Europe. Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg said he was 'delighted' to welcome an MEP who was 'respected... across Europe'. The Tories said Mr McMillan-Scott was expelled six months ago, 'he has not been a Conservative MEP since then.'

A senior party source told the BBC:  'They're welcome to him.' The row dates back to Conservative leader David Cameron's decision to pull his party out of the main centre-right grouping in the European Parliament, the European People's Party (EPP). Mr McMillan-Scott added: "My reasons for joining the Liberal Democrats are that in Nick Clegg they have a leader whom I like, admire and respect. They are internationalists, not nationalists. They are committed to politics based the values of fairness and change. From being a liberal Conservative I become a conservative liberal. Most of my family are liberals. I am pleased to join the liberal family."