Saturday, 27 March 2010

Labour unveils key election pledges

Gordon Brown today unveils Labour's key election pledges, promising that a re-elected Labour government, which would retain Alistair Darling as chancellor, would help create a million skilled jobs, a state-funded citizens' right to take antisocial offenders to court, and "the largest set of constitutional reforms this country has ever seen".

Speaking just 11 days before he is expected to go to Buckingham Palace to call the election, Brown says he will offer the nation "more fairness, more responsibility from vested interests, a greater sense that people have more control over their lives. That is basically a New Labour agenda."

Insisting that Labour can still win the election without the need of Liberal Democrat support, he argues: "This is a progressive moment," claiming "there is no rebellion against collectivism in the country" akin to the late 70s.