Wednesday, 26 May 2010

ITV fluffs Nike's lines - doh!

Nike's epic World Cup advert [ARCHIVE], featuring Ronaldo, Rooney and some bloke from Chelsea, has got Stephen Armstrong flapping in today's Guardian.  Rather than just taking it for what it is (a rather amusing self-pisstake by the above footballers), Armstrong is upset they're depicting Rooney as old by sporting a beard.  Right.  Wouldn't much fancy sitting next to him during a whole episode of Jesus of Nazareth.

Ronaldo in another, completely unrelated advert - your point?

Meanwhile, ITV debuted the advert during the Champions League final, but somehow managed to cut Nike's name off the end. Nike and ITV have reportedly agreed compensation in the shape of an undisclosed number of free showings, proving just how dangerous it is to broadcast an iconic,  multi-million dollar commercial featuring a character whose catchphrase is 'doh!', during a live football match.