Saturday, 8 May 2010

Recrimination, recrimination, recrimination

They're coming in thick and fast now as Simon Heffer lays into David Cameron in the Telegraph.  All Dave had to do, he says, was "fight a widely despised Prime Minister leading a Government incompetent and destructive on a scale unseen in living memory. Seldom has there been a softer target; but seldom has one been missed so unnecessarily. With just 36 per cent of the vote, the Tories stood almost still since 2005. They are now on their knees to their other enemy, the Lib Dems."  You can read the whole article here.

The website of Lord Tebbit, the former party chairman, was running an unsigned article calling on David Cameron to ballot the Conservative membership before entering into any deal with the Liberal Democrats.  The article, published on the Chain Reaction blog, accused him of trying to freeze out the membership, while Liberal Democrat rules included a formal endorsement mechanism.  It suggested that Mr Cameron's "utterly flawed" strategy had landed the Conservatives in a "disastrous" position, and claimed a deal with the Lib Dems would have the sole purpose of "saving his skin as party leader".  Fair point.

Adams, Daily Telegraph

The Telegraph also informs us that Lord Adonis has been appointed chief negotiator between Labour and the Limp Dames despite rumours that Brown had more or less told Clegg to fuck off last night when Brown's resignation was mentioned as being pre-requisite to any deal. I wish I'd been there.