Peter Walker of the Guardian writes "I've spent the morning in Brighton with Caroline Lucas, the Green leader who is the bookmakers' clear favourite to win. Campaigning got off to a tricky start when managers of the Jobcentre Plus she'd arranged to visit weeks in advance decided not to let her in.
Caroline Lucas at the Ovaries
The reasons remain unclear. They were even less friendly to the media. I was ordered out by a particularly aggressive private security guard who barked, 'Stop writing things down!' as I made some shorthand scribbles in my notebook. Despite the hiccups, Lucas seems optimistic, if aware of this new weight of expectation. The Greens launch their manifesto tomorrow with a particular focus on issues like the economy rather than the environment. Economics is at the forefront of the campaign because we believe people don't know us so well for these issues', she told me."" [sniggers]