Yes, it will be depressing if the Conservatives win this election but keep this in mind - whovever wins will be so unpopular because of their tax rises and cuts in public services that not only will they lose the following election, they will be out of power for a generation. Almost worth letting them win!
Nurse Osborne may be interested in the Sun's latest carry on, as reported by John Naughton on his online diary. He has come across an email from Jenna Sloan of the Sun that reads as follows:
From: [redacted]
Sent: 27 April 2010 11:15
To: [redacted]
Subject: request from Jenna Sloan, The Sun
If you have relevant information for the media professional concerned
please click this link to reply:
Request deadline: Thursday 29 April, 2010, 4:00 pm
Contact me by e-mail at
My request: I’m looking for a teacher and a nurse to be case studies in The Sun next week.
This is for a political, election feature and both must be willing to say why they feel let down by the Labour Government, and why they are thinking about voting Conservative.
We’ll need to picture them, and also have a chat about their political opinions.
We can pay the case studies £100 for their time.
Please do let me know if you think you can help.
I have this afternoon emailed Ms Sloan for her comments, however an automated out-of-office-until-Tuesday note came back to me. Mr Naughton concludes:
Is this genuine, I wonder? If so, interesting, ne c’est pas? First of all in terms of the implicit journalistic ’standards’, but also in terms of chequebook journalism. It just shows you what they think of teachers and NHS Staff — assuming that they’d be willing to pimp themselves for £100. Max Clifford’s clients wouldn’t blow their noses for that.Indeed.