Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Cameron under fire for youth group denial

David Cameron came under fire today after he claimed he knew nothing about a controversial Tory youth group which has trained some of the party's parliamentary candidates, despite its leaders describing the NHS as "the biggest waste of money in the UK" and suggesting that waterboarding of prisoners can be justified.

Despite the YBF's rally being held in Commitee Room 10 of the House of Commons on Wednesday 3rd March 2010 between 14:00 and 18:00, David Cameron doesn't know anything about them

In an interview in Time Out magazine, Cameron denied all knowledge of the Young Britons' Foundation, which has been called "the Conservative madrasa". Conservative HQ promotes YBF-run training courses for young Tory activists. Several members of Cameron's team, including shadow defence secretary Liam Fox, addressed a YBF rally last month and at least 11 prospective Tory candidates have been delegates or speakers at training conferences run by the YBF. The group's leader, Donal Blaney, has taken Conservative activists on training courses in the US which include sessions shooting semi-automatic weapons and machine guns.

Asked if it was true that prospective candidates had been trained by the YBF, Cameron said: "No, I don't think so. I don't know anything about the Young Britons' Foundation." When told the YBF claims on its website that it trains Tory members at official party conferences, Cameron said: "I've no idea about this."

The party's link to the YBF was front page news last month and last night Labour said Cameron's denial was "unbelievable", calling for him to "come clean" about his party's involvement with the YBF. A spokesman for Cameron declined to answer questions about his depth of knowledge of the organisation, but confirmed it has "been involved with some Tory candidates". He added: "The YBF is independent of the party. We do not endorse their views."