Sunday, 11 April 2010

Brighton Pavilion

I shall be keeping an eye on this constituency for three reasons: firstly, it may well produce the first Green MP in the history of the Mother of Parliaments; secondly, because that candidate is none other than the Mother of all Greens herself, Caroline Lucas MEP; and thirdly because it is, for my sins, the constituency in which I am expected to vote.

Caroline Lucas - pitching her look somewhere between Joe Orton and panto

Ms Lucas has chosen to put herself up against Nancy Platts, who hopes to take off where her Labour colleague and incumbent MP David Lepper leaves off; and Wandsworth resident, Charlotte Vere, the Conservative wannabe shipped in presumably because of her credentials working with Zak Goldsmith (their credentials not mine, you understand). There are other candidates, naturally, but I am not obliged to mention them and, frankly, they don't matter - which is surprising for you would think the Lib Dems had a chance in a place such as Brighton but they don't, hey-ho.

From their twitterings, Nancy and Ms Lucas seem to be doing the hustings a bit more enthusiastically than Ms Vere who appears to end up getting pissed in Pub du Vin most nights. No ordinary pub for her, you understand, oh no, she's a Conservative gal. Still, I supppose the party's paying for it.

However, I shall attempt to give them all equal coverage and publish links to articles concerning all three. I wouldn't want to be accused of political bias - haha!  To that end, first off is Ms Lucas, who recently featured in a Channel 4 News report regarding the constituency. You can read the article, watch the report and laugh out loud here.