The government's decision to axe the UK Film Council attracted further controversy today when it emerged that DreamWorks Studios, the Hollywood studio founded by Steven Spielberg, had written to the chancellor to "express its concern" over the move. A letter signed by an executive at DreamWorks, Steven Molen, who is in charge of location decisions for the studio, was sent to George Osborne last week, adding to the high-profile list of figures who have spoken out against ending the council's funding. Among the films made by DreamWorks on location in Britain are Sweeney Todd and War Horse.
It is the second letter of concern Osborne has received from Hollywood in a week: the first, from the Oscar-winning actor and director Clint Eastwood, spoke of his "great concern" over the scrapping. Eastwood praised the efforts of the council during the London-based shoot of his most recent film, The Hereafter, and said that such a production could be less likely to choose the UK as a location after the council's abolition. And more than 50 actors and actresses, including Bill Nighy, Timothy Spall and Emily Blunt, last week signed a letter to the Daily Telegraph making clear their opposition to the decision.
A Treasury spokeswoman said the chancellor had received the DreamWorks letter, but declined to discuss its contents. However, Ed Vaizey, the minister for communication, culture and the creative industries, defended the decision to scrap the council as part of a raft of cost-cutting measures. "We've got a plethora of quangos, and I would question whether the Film Council is solely behind the success of film in this country," he told Sky News. Criticising what he called "hysteria" surrounding the decision, Vaizey said film tax credits, lottery funding and a infrastructure for film production would continue to entice big film studios to the UK. He invited Hollywood figures to call him personally with their concerns rather than speaking through the media.
A spokeswoman for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport said: "The government is stopping the support for a film quango, not the film industry. The key mechanisms that support the industry, including the film tax relief, which is worth more than £100 million a year, will remain in place, and Lottery funding for film is set to increase because of the changes the government has made." In their letter to the Daily Telegraph, the actors argued that the UK Film Council had been key in luring Hollywood to Britain, as well as providing important funding for films such as In the Loop, Bend it Like Beckham, This is England, Gosford Park and The Constant Gardener.
A spokeswoman for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport said: "The government is stopping the support for a film quango, not the film industry. The key mechanisms that support the industry, including the film tax relief, which is worth more than £100 million a year, will remain in place, and Lottery funding for film is set to increase because of the changes the government has made." In their letter to the Daily Telegraph, the actors argued that the UK Film Council had been key in luring Hollywood to Britain, as well as providing important funding for films such as In the Loop, Bend it Like Beckham, This is England, Gosford Park and The Constant Gardener.
"Everyone, including those in the film industry, knows that times are tough and the government has to make savings. But the UKFC doesn't waste money, it makes it," they wrote. "For every pound it invests, the country gets £5 back. Thanks to its efforts, our film industry — worth £4.5bn a year to the UK — has rarely been stronger or more successful. We can't afford to take this strength for granted. Canada, New Zealand, Australia and other countries have recognised the benefits in jobs and revenue that a thriving film industry brings. They are increasing their support to woo films away from Britain. By scrapping the UKFC, the risk is that their job is made easier."
Others who have spoken out include the director Mike Leigh and Rebecca O'Brien, who has produced nine films directed by Ken Loach, and Christopher Hampton, most famous for the screenplays of Dangerous Liaisons and Atonement, who described the decision as a "thrashy response". An online petition to save the council has also attracted thousands of signatures.