Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Camerons confirm new baby to be called Waynetta

Sam and Dave held a press conference late on Tuesday night and confirmed that their new daughter will be called Waynetta.

Young Conservative, Waynetta

"It's a nod at the 2018 England World Cup bid that I had to miss due to being on holiday and acknowledgement of Wayne Rooney's performance at the last World Cup. Like Wayne, our daughter will make us laugh and make us cry but we'll do everything we can to ensure that she doesn't speak like him," Dave jested. "If she makes half as much money as him we'll be laughing all the way to the bank that we will, by that time, own."

The Scamerons admit they had toyed with the names suggested to them by their Cornish subjects including Pasty, Scrumpy and Bikeshed but plumped for Waynetta when they heard that Mr Rooney had accepted their invitation to be the girl's godfather. That and the fact they didn't ever want to be reminded of Cornwall again.

The local god of fertility, Paddy Pantsdown, sent the couple a signed copy of his book, A Fortunate Life.