Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Hundreds of thousands playing the benefits system

Hundreds of thousands of people are playing the benefits system by making short-term claims, Chris Grayling, the employment minister, has suggested. Mr Grayling said that rules may be tightened to make it harder to start claiming sickness-related benefits. He spoke as David Cameron confirmed that commercial credit agencies will be paid to check on the financial activity of benefits claimants to detect fraud. Mr Grayling said that current rules make it “too easy” to claim benefits, and highlighted employment support allowance, paid to people who have medical conditions that limit their ability to work.

Under the current rules, someone can be paid ESA for up to 13 weeks before being formally assessed by a medical examiner. In a BBC Radio Four interview, Mr Grayling suggested that some people are exploiting that rule to claim the benefit temporarily and avoid the medical test. “Quite a lot of people, 30- 40 per cent, leave before that assessment is due,” Mr Grayling said. “That’s something that we should give some thought to.” Figures from the Department for Work and Pensions show that October 2008 and November 2009, a total of 252,800 people chose to end their claim for ESA before an assessment could be completed. “In some cases it does seem to be too easy to access the benefits,” Mr Grayling said.

The Daily Telegraph revealed on Tuesday that companies like Experian will be hired by the Government to scrutinise benefits claimants’ finances. Such firms will be a paid each time they detect fraudulent claims. Mr Grayling said companies would only use the same publicly available information and techniques already employed by major retailers and banks to assess customers’ credit-worthiness. "Why should the Government not use the same tools available to independent organisations?" he told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.

"This is data that is publicly available, that is publicly on sale, that is available to set out spending patterns - what loans you have taken out, what your overall patterns of spending in your life are. "If there is a huge mismatch between the way you are living your life and the amount of money you are supposed to be receiving from the state in benefits, surely it is right and proper that we should be saying 'How is that happening?' Where it is legitimate and legal to use data, I see no reason why Government shouldn't do so."