Tuesday, 10 August 2010

India embraces the pink rupee

From nightclubs to publishing, the decriminalisation of gay sex in the country is facilitating a new, multi-million dollar niche market. One of the significant changes has been India’s response to homosexuality and gay people. In 2009, the High Court of Delhi found that sodomy laws were unconstitutional, a decision that was accepted by the government to apply nationwide. Although some religious leaders objected, the decision seems to have have caused no upheaval. 

There are still strong cultural traditions that frown on same-sex sexuality, but there are also demonstrations of positive movement. This may be greatly due to a fledgling pro-gay movement which does not seem to have much organized opposition. The dominant religions have not adopted homophobia as a central tenet of faith and there do not appear to be dominant political figures who are using bias and animus as a rallying point.  

India Gay Pride

In New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore, trailblazing entrepreneurs are chasing the gay business. Since July over fifteen bars across New Delhi have hosted gay events, up from just one event at one bar a week two years ago. India's first gay-products store, Azaad Bazaar in Mumbai, has seen a year of growth, penetrating mainstream stores across the country with its merchandise. Queer-Ink.com, India's first gay online bookshop, is exploring publishing titles in the next six to eight months.

Manish Sharma, a gay events promoter from New Delhi, hosts regular parties attended by over 200, while Sanjay Malhotra runs India's first gays-only travel agency, IndjaPink. "In terms of business as well as inquiries, things have really gone up since the ruling," said Malhotra, who spent six months interviewing the hotel managers and tour guides that his company uses to ensure all his holidays are "gay-friendly".

But for those pioneers, a largely conservative society and ingrained social stigma presents a bigger barrier than legislation to luring gay business. "We might be legal by law, but we're not yet legal in the mindset," Sharma admitted. Aditya Bondyopadhay, a gay rights activist and lawyer who was integral to the decriminalisation, is realistic about the public perception of homosexuality in India. "Police harassment, though it has gone down drastically, is still prevalent, we have instances of male rape that still go unchallenged," he said, adding families still pressurise gays.

For Abhijit Parua, manager of Kuki, a south Delhi bar that hosts one of Sharma's weekly 'BoyZone' events, this means the current target audience is too small. "For a week the attendance was very good. Now there is lots of competition, and people are heading elsewhere," he said. But gay businesses in India operate not only on the strength of the local economy but also on the goodwill and solidarity of global consumption by homosexuals. "Every traveller that goes with IndjaPink, we want them to be able to be who they are," said Malhotra, adding acceptance was a long way off. "It's in its infancy."