Thursday 23 February 2012

Cameron's top ten LIES about the NHS

1. “We will stop the top-down reorganisation of the NHS” - Election campaign
LIAR! The Tories are pushing through the biggest top-down reorganisation of the NHS in its history.

2. “We will increase health spending every year” - Conservative ­manifesto, April 2010
LIAR! A Nuffield Trust study shows a “real terms reduction of 0.5% over next four years”.

3. “We’ll ensure waiting times are kept low” - June 2011
LIAR! Patients waiting longer than 18-week ­guarantee are up by 34%.

4. “We will save the maternity and A&E units at Chase Farm Hospital, London” - 2007
LIAR! Health Secretary announced the units would be downgraded last November.

5. Royal Colleges of General Practitioners, Physicians and Nursing “all supported” his health reforms - September 2010
LIAR! All three oppose the reforms.

6. “We will increase the number of midwives by 3,000” - January 2010
LIAR! The Government has cut the training places for nurses and midwives.

7. “We will not endanger universal coverage — we will make sure it remains a National Health Service” - June 2011
LIAR! The health service has already begun breaking up into local GP commissioning groups.

8. Reforms were needed as there were 5,000-10,000 needless cancer deaths a year compared to other EU countries
LIAR! The NHS has helped achieve the biggest drop in cancer deaths among 10 leading countries.

9. “We are not reorganising the bureaucracy of the NHS, we are abolishing bureaucracy” - March 2011
LIAR! The NHS will be saddled with even MORE bureaucracy with hundreds of new bodies set up to replace sacked managers.

10. “The Government is fully behind the Health Bill” - Prime Minister’s ­official spokesman
LIAR! Three Tory ministers have come out against it.

Courtesy of the Mirror [with a few adjustments]