Saturday, 10 July 2010

National census to be axed after 200 years

The Census, the official population count carried out by the Government, is to be scrapped after more than 200 years, The Daily Telegraph discloses today. Francis Maude, the Cabinet Office minister, said the Census, which takes place every 10 years, was an expensive and inaccurate way of measuring the number of people in Britain. Instead, the Government is examining different and cheaper ways to count the population more regularly, using existing public and private databases, including credit reference agencies. It will represent a historic shift in the way that information about the nation’s population, religion and social habits is gathered. The suggestion is likely to be approved by Cabinet next week. It will be too late to prevent the next Census on March 27, 2011 from going ahead, although Mr Maude said he was looking at ways of reducing the £482million cost.

Britain has carried out a Census every decade since 1801, with the exception of 1941 during the Second World War. It is the only time that everybody in the country is counted, and is used by the Government to determine spending priorities and track population movements. Academics, charities and religious organisations all rely on information gathered in the Census as it asks wide-ranging questions relating to people’s households, nationality, faith and marital status. The information is also a significant source of research for future generations. The online publication last year of the 1911 Census proved hugely popular, with three million people accessing the database within its first few months.

Mr Maude, who has responsibility for the Census, told The Daily Telegraph that the Government was looking for a “fundamentally” better way of doing it. “There are, I believe, ways of doing this which will provide better, quicker information, more frequently and cheaper,” he said. [Would it not be better to find the new system first, before scrapping the present one? Just a thought.] Mr Maude said Britain needed a new way to keep track of the population because the Census was often inaccurate and out of date. About 1.5million households failed to fill in their forms in 2001. 

The information from the 2011 Census will not be published until the middle of the following year, at the earliest. By that time, many of the people whom the Census had counted would have moved or died. Mr Maude said the Census was “out of date almost before it has been done” and was looking at ways to count the population more frequently - perhaps every five years - using databases held by credit checking firms, Royal Mail, councils and Government [because everyone takes out credit, receives mail, pays council tax and votes, right?]. “This would give you more accurate, much more timely data in real time. There is a load of data out there in loads of different places,” he said.

Mr Maude said he hoped that the new way of counting the population would be less intrusive. Questions for next year include the name, sex and date of birth of any visitors staying overnight. He was also examining ways to save money on the 2011 Census, which will be organised by the Office for National Statistics. However, Labour had already spent £300million on the project. It is common practice around the world for governments to carry out a census and the Government is required by European Union law to count the population regularly.

Geoffrey Robertson QC, a constitutional barrister, said the news was “regrettable” since some sort of count had been carried out by the monarch or government for almost 1,000 years. “Future historians will be less able to interpret Britain in the Cameron/Clegg era as a result of this decision -  maybe that is the reason for it,” he said. David Green, a director of the Civitas think tank, said the decision was “a terrible mistake”. “It is a question of whether the alternatives are reliable,” he said. “The Census is expensive but I think it is worth the money for the historic continuity.”

Under the 1920 Census Act, citizens can be cautioned under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act and fined £1,000 for failing to answer questions. However, the powers have not been properly enforced previously. In 2001 just 38 people were fined for not filling in forms.

the Daily Telegraph