"Nick Griffin MEP will be denied entry to today's garden party at Buckingham Palace due to the fact he has overtly used his personal invitation for party political purpose through the media. This in turn has increased the security threat and the potential discomfort to the many other guests also attending. Mr Griffin's personal invitation was issued to him as an elected member of the European Parliament. The decision to deny entry is not intended to show any disrespect to the democratic process by which the invitation was issued. However, we would apply the same rules to anyone who tried to blatantly politicise their attendance in this way."
All the best
To which Nick Griffin replied: "It is an absolute scandal. I represent a million voters in the North West. This appears to be a rule invented for me. Nowhere in the book of rules given to all attendees does it say anything about not giving media interviews and, of course, countless people have done precisely that in the past. This decision is an attack on the media and their right to report on important events of the day. It is an attack on the right of every person in Britain to get the news of current events reported by the media, and it is an attack on the one million plus patriots who voted for the BNP. The move has obviously been made under pressure from the Con-Dem regime who are desperate for any reason to bar the BNP."
Oh, well.