Friday, 24 April 2009


in its attempts to woo the unemployed voter, the conservative party has decided to go right to the heart of every jobseeker's world, the job centre. so it takes out a google ad whereby each time someone searches for job centre plus on google, it comes up with a small advert on the right hand side, bleating about the budget, together with a link to the conservative party's website.

problemo! no jobseeker in their right mind, let alone with a computer, would type in job centre plus using three separate words. yet if you type in the actual name of the website, jobcentreplus, or even , more traditionally, jobcentre plus, the advert does not appear. sacre bleu!

a swift tutorial may be in order informing conservative party members, in particular its PR department (and now, over to smearer), of the merits in addressing correctly the destination of their potential clientele.

and you would have thought that the tories, of all people, would be aware of the advantages of shooting blanks.