Wednesday, 8 April 2009


(if you see what i mean) in attitude magazine

He [Tony Blair] added that Business Secretary Lord Mandelson, one of his closest advisers during his time in British politics, had suffered from anti-gay prejudice "in some quarters".
But Mr Blair also said: "His [Mandelson's] career is interesting in both senses in that he's attacked in certain quarters for being gay, and yet, at the same time, also, I don't believe that has altered in any shape or form people's opinion of him. What those comments indicate is that the prejudice is still there, but what they also indicate is that its force is very weak, really. Because people like him or don't like him, but it's not based on his sexuality."

that's right, heterosexuals and homosexuals think he is a smarmy old faggot.

smarmy adj (smarmier, smarmiest) colloq
1 ingratiatingly flattering or respectful.
2 nauseously suave or charming. that's the one.

apparently he has the mark of forceps on his head after being dragged out of his mother's womb kicking and screaming. why on earth they thought he'd want to experience a vagina round his neck, god only knows.