Former home secretary Jacqui Smith, who claimed on expenses for two adult films watched by her husband, is making a documentary about the porn industry. The politician, who lost her Redditch seat in the 2010 election, will interview porn stars and film-makers for the Radio 5 Live show Porn Again.
Jacqui was well-known for her oral skills in the House of Commons
Smith said: "As I know from my personal experience, porn fascinates us – media and public alike. But we actually know very little about what it's like to work in the industry and what porn is doing to our society, our children and our relationships. In making this programme, I've been able to challenge my own views and attitudes and I want others to have the chance to join the debate too."
The hour-long documentary, which airs on 3 March, will also include contributions from other politicians and feminist thinkers. After the programme is broadcast Smith will appear on a special edition of the Tony Livesey Show, where she will take calls from listeners.
Smith quit as home secretary in 2009 after a newspaper revealed two pay-per-view adult films had been charged to the taxpayer. She later said it had been a mistake to submit the bill, which also included two other pay-per-view films. Her husband Richard Timney said that it was he who had ordered the films. Timney, was forced to apologise for the "embarrassment" he had caused his wife, while she promised to repay all the costs involved, including the £10 charge for the two films.
Smith had submitted the adult films as part of a £67 television subscription package bill in June 2008, but apologised for the mistake as she had submitted a bill for her internet package. She had not been at the family home in Redditch, Worcestershire, on the two nights when the films had been viewed [knoworrahmean? – Ed].