Friday, 26 November 2010

Ed Miliband: Labour must be a force for optimism

“What is the task now facing Labour? It starts with the job of responsible opposition,” writes Ed Miliband in the Telegraph. “Holding Mr Cameron’s government to account. Standing with the majority in Britain who say that cutting too far and too fast is a reckless gamble with growth. But there is a bigger and more fundamental task that Labour must confront. Britain has changed. Labour must change. And the change must be as profound as the change undertaken by New Labour in the 1990s.

“Thirteen years in government led to many lasting achievements, but also to a party remote from many people’s hopes and aspirations. In government we lost the humility to listen and learn. In opposition we must find it again. We must understand why, despite all that was achieved over the last decade, so many people who work hard and want to get on came to feel squeezed. Why did too many families feel that the gap between their lives and their dreams became larger and harder to bridge?

“It is a gap that I fear this Coalition will widen dramatically. The prospects for millions of families under Mr Cameron’s government look bleak. Slashing funding for universities and tripling student fees risks making the burden of personal debt far worse. The slogan “we are all in it together” is being used as rhetorical cover to push millions of families outside of the basic social deal, that if you work hard and do the right things, you will be helped to get on. It’s not just Child Benefit. Scaling back support for child care through tax credits and support for young people in education will hit the aspirations of millions.

“The deficit needs to be cut, but it’s the way that it’s done which will determine the character of our society for the next decade. I fear that for many families, this Coalition is spreading a deep pessimism about their future. It will be to Labour that this squeezed middle must look to understand their hopes. They and their concerns will be at the heart of our policy review and plans to change Britain.

“First, we must challenge the idea that aspirations are something found only amongst the most affluent few. It is a simple truth, but we all have dreams for our lives and a fair Britain is one in which everyone, irrespective of background, wealth or connections, is able to get on.

“Second, it means recognising that for too many, our economy is not working in their interests. The last decade saw an unprecedented period of growth and prosperity, but even before the financial crisis, the squeeze on living standards for those being asked to work harder for longer was clear. We can no longer be neutral about the quality of jobs we create, about whether our employers invest in their workforce, or about those trying to start a small business turned away by the banks.

“Third, it means understanding the deep sense of anxiety that squeezed families now have about their children’s prospects. The last decade saw rising opportunities for millions of young people, and yet we live in an age when for the first time in generations there are families who fear the lives of their children will be tougher than their own. This squeeze on ambition is every bit as serious as the squeeze on living standards. Mr Cameron’s government has no account of how it will improve social mobility or unlock potential. No idea how to build the hopeful, aspiring country that I believe we can be.

“Fourth, we must challenge the dominant view that says people’s aspirations are just about their income. The squeeze on family life is not just financial, but it is also a squeeze on our time, our relationships and our communities. I believe that we have a politics which fails to speak to people’s lives because it is too narrow for the real hopes of people today. Life is about more than the bottom line.

“My great fear for Britain is a coalition government spreading a pessimism about the future — creating a more divided country in which a squeezed middle finds it ever harder to get on. My great task is to build a changed Labour Party, a force for optimism in British politics, offering those squeezed families the hope of a better future.”

Ed Miliband is … errrm … is he a journalist?