Quite what Caroline Lucas is the leader of I'm not sure as there's only one of them and that's her. She's even having a "conference" for herself which is quite sweet if not just a tad deluded. At this little meeting of all things green, she will propose that pairs of parliamentary candidates be allowed to stand for election and then share the job if elected. Any ideas what she's on about? Me neither but it was this or 'Fox bites woman's ear as she sleeps' and I can't find that story now. Maybe it brought the ear back.
A face for voice-overs
Ms Lucas [love the 'Ms' bit - Ed] said the plan would allow MPs to retain stronger ties with their constituencies and could result in more women at Westminster. ''This is actually incredibly sensible,'' Ms Lucas told BBC Radio 4's Today programme - who thought 'Oh, we gotta play this'. ''How many times have people talked about career politicians, about politicians being out of touch with reality. If you had job-sharing MPs what that would allow you do is to keep MPs with a foot in their community, they could keep their caring responsibilities, they could keep voluntary work, they could continue part-time in their profession [what the fuck is she talking about? - Ed]. It would enable far more women to get into politics." Ms Lucas said it was just the latest example of the Green Party being at the ''cutting edge of new ideas''. The latest example? What other jaw-dropping theories have they/she had? Apart from an NHS for animals [haha! we still laugh about that - Ed].
The conference will be the party's first with an MP after Ms Lucas secured election in May [I bet they were a hoot before - Ed]. And she said the Coalition presented the party with a chance to attract supporters. ''There is a real opportunity for the Green Party out there,'' Ms Lucas said. ''The context is grim, with the kinds of draconian cuts that the coalition Government are pushing through, but that does mean that anybody who had one scintilla of thought that the Lib Dems might be the party of fairness have now had that illusion completely shattered. And I think what we see now is a sense that there is a voice that is needed in politics that is standing up for genuine fairness." [Any chance of finding the 'woman eaten by fox' story? - Ed]