Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Peers to get £300 allowance each time they turn up at the House of Lords

Peers will get a £300 allowance for each day they "clock in" at the House of Lords under a system designed to cut their expenses bills by 10%, it was announced today [cut their expenses?!].  The flat-rate payment - to cover their accommodation, staffing and administration costs - means that they will be able to claim a maximum of £45,000 a year compared with £53,000 a year under the current system [woop!].  

And how it would look if we got rid of them altogether

The controversial £174 daily payment for "overnight subsistence", which had been abused by some members of the house of Lords, will be scrapped [gutted].  Under the plans there would be a tiered system of payments with £150 for a half day and £300 for a full day. Travel expenses will be reimbursed separately [WTF?!].  Lord Strathclyde, the leader of the Lords, said: "It means the end of the old expenses regime. It means a new system that is direct, transparent and accountable. It means we are making a significant step towards winning the public's confidence again [right]."